Friday, November 19, 2010


Things are picking up! We have a rather big show coming up-see who it is here-and are starting to get everything organized and situated. Which is pretty exciting! I do need to work on running some lines out to the backstage area so communication can happen easier in that direction, but overall I think that things are looking up! Well, I also need to check monitors, EQs on the monitors, sends from the board to monitors, getting a snake ran, and various other things, but since I have monday and part of tuesday to work on those it'll be fine!

In other news, has anyone been following the progress on the Stuxnet worm? Its rather fascinating how they are systematically decoding it and trying to pinpoint the location of the authors, plus all of the various clues that they are possibly finding within it, or perhaps those clues were red herrings designed to mislead people who tried to figure out who sent it? Regardless, I think its pretty cool.

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