Monday, November 15, 2010


Well Hi! How are you? I hope that you are well. Hahahaha, so I inadvertenly was signed in when I posted on the blog for the New Community Church mission team, so when I looked at my post I realized that it said "Mr Buttercup" and realized my folly! So I hope that you are doing well friend reader!

So I confess that I usually don't have set topics to embark upon, and it is rather rambly when I do post. Every now and again I am able to have a topic I want to post about and am on the site, but more often than not I think of a good topic when I am driving or in the grocery store, so by the time I am home it has gone far far away. I guess I need to start writing that stuff down now huh? In closing, did you read about the rise in defections to South Korea?

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