Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big News!!

Demi Levato just punched out a back-up dancer, and the royal heir is getting married! And.... I just don't really care. Call me crazy, but does all that really matter? Are our lives so mundane that we need to look to pop culture to find something to fill it up with? A student where I work was recently remarking about those topics, and the whole time I was thinking to myself "and WHY do I care?" Definitely two different perspectives, because she was pouring through that magazine as if it were sacred text containing the answer to the universal question, which we all know is 42.

Did she make mention of the fact that the Germans have elevated their threat level? That airport terminals are suddenly using full body scanners? Nope! "Demi levato is a b***h, and I should know, because I am one, and if I were in her shoes I would be just like her."

Sigh, this is not an encouraging conversation to listen to.

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