Monday, November 29, 2010


"If you be lackin'
(License Plate #)
You ain't Cadillac'n"

I saw this on the way to work. Rather interesting, don't you think? It makes somes sense if you think about it, because if someone lacks money they certainly aren't going to get a Cadillac. However, in the grammatical sense, its horrendous, and one would think that if someone lacks sense of grammar and proper pronounciation-something that I would harp on the kids where I taught to do-then they would also be lackin' a caddy. I dunno, but rather an interesting sight.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I get it

Mad scientists of the world, I empathize. I get it. Not the need to conquer the world, but the difficulty of pushing onwards past experiments gone awry. I just massively failed at making sourdough bread-but the first time I was successful-and had to throw away mass quantities of flour, water, starter, and salt just now. I tried to contain it, but the mixture was too much water and not enough everything else. When I realized that in no way could I save it without additional mass quantities of flour. As I loaded it into the trash bag to throw away, and carried it to the dumpster, I thought of the mad scientists of the world who, like me, had to give up an experiment or two because of the same setbacks. So I am sorry when your experiments fail. It's disappointing, and I get it.

In completely unrelated news, I have no idea how to transfer bakers percentages into cups, and I don't think that my dough will turn out right based on what I have...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Did you hear about the piece of artwork outside the CIA's headquarters? It's been 20 years since the artist put it up, and people are still working on the final code in the series! How cool is that? No one has gotten more than two letter right so far, though they have tried for a while now, so the artist gave the NY Times a clue to distribute, that letters 64-69 are the word "BERLIN," because I think he is tired of waiting for someone to get it right! And this from an artist who was just given a crash course in cryptology from a retired CIA agent! I think he may have perhaps missed his true calling!
and yes, I read the NY Times a lot :)

Friday, November 19, 2010


Things are picking up! We have a rather big show coming up-see who it is here-and are starting to get everything organized and situated. Which is pretty exciting! I do need to work on running some lines out to the backstage area so communication can happen easier in that direction, but overall I think that things are looking up! Well, I also need to check monitors, EQs on the monitors, sends from the board to monitors, getting a snake ran, and various other things, but since I have monday and part of tuesday to work on those it'll be fine!

In other news, has anyone been following the progress on the Stuxnet worm? Its rather fascinating how they are systematically decoding it and trying to pinpoint the location of the authors, plus all of the various clues that they are possibly finding within it, or perhaps those clues were red herrings designed to mislead people who tried to figure out who sent it? Regardless, I think its pretty cool.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Big News!!

Demi Levato just punched out a back-up dancer, and the royal heir is getting married! And.... I just don't really care. Call me crazy, but does all that really matter? Are our lives so mundane that we need to look to pop culture to find something to fill it up with? A student where I work was recently remarking about those topics, and the whole time I was thinking to myself "and WHY do I care?" Definitely two different perspectives, because she was pouring through that magazine as if it were sacred text containing the answer to the universal question, which we all know is 42.

Did she make mention of the fact that the Germans have elevated their threat level? That airport terminals are suddenly using full body scanners? Nope! "Demi levato is a b***h, and I should know, because I am one, and if I were in her shoes I would be just like her."

Sigh, this is not an encouraging conversation to listen to.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Well Hi! How are you? I hope that you are well. Hahahaha, so I inadvertenly was signed in when I posted on the blog for the New Community Church mission team, so when I looked at my post I realized that it said "Mr Buttercup" and realized my folly! So I hope that you are doing well friend reader!

So I confess that I usually don't have set topics to embark upon, and it is rather rambly when I do post. Every now and again I am able to have a topic I want to post about and am on the site, but more often than not I think of a good topic when I am driving or in the grocery store, so by the time I am home it has gone far far away. I guess I need to start writing that stuff down now huh? In closing, did you read about the rise in defections to South Korea?

Saturday, November 13, 2010


So this year I am not going on the DR mission trip that my church does. I have gone the past two years, and it was a weird feeling this morning that I woke up to, knowing that they will all be in a different country by dinnertime, and I'll be here. I am definitely missing it right now, definitely kinda bumming out. So I think that I'll go home and drink some coffee and either watch a movie or read. Yeah, that sounds good...