Thursday, October 7, 2010


So I usually get online during my lunch break. Its pretty cool, because I get an hour, so I have time to eat and time to dither about on the internet before I have to get back to work. and I have someone following my blog! Which is rather exciting, so hello person! :)

So have I posted yet about the place where I work? Its a theatre, and the sound equipment works, mostly, and about half of the dimmers (things that power the lights) work. Plus whoever had my job before me was a slob, and so I have been cleaning up after them since... well, the beginning of september! Not a very good position to be in, but at least I am getting hours! And today I had to give a spiel(sp?) to a group of ladies about our upcoming theatre series, and how excited we are, and so on and such forth. I think that I fumbled through half of it, and I kept looking down (probably because I am used to addressing elementary school kids) but I think it went well overall. We'll have to see about that.... Oop, breaks over!

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