Monday, December 20, 2010


I don't know how many times I have a post to write that has come about while just sitting in the library. In this library, to print things you  click print, and then you have to get up and put money in the ... whatever the word is that is opposite of dispenser ... and click print. While doing this you are no longer at your computer. Well, when I arrived today, a gentleman had taken the seat of a lady who had been printing something. She protested, and the computer lab assisstant went over to help rectify the situation. The gentleman was a little elderly, and started protesting, how "where he comes from when a computer is free no one is sitting there" while she was trying to quietly get her computer back. She did, and he left in a huff, saying loudly that he was "done with you people."

..... umm, I really don't know what to say to that. It seems like a situation that really just shouldn't be a situation. I mean, really? So you were in her seat, is it really that difficult to get up and leave? To admit that perhaps, just perhaps, one of the things you thought to be certain about this library is, in fact, not? Why is it so hard to admit fault and to know that we are, in fact, -GULP- capable of mistakes?
Oof, people sometimes...

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