Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Small Town

So usually I try to be really good with remembering names and people and who knows my family and such, but in a small town such as this it gets difficult sometimes, and I will occasionally forget a name. Well, there is one lady that knows me-whom I would think doesn't know about this blog, so it is safe to post this- that I don't know. She remembers my parents from 10 years ago, and recognizes me in connection with them, and knows my name and asks how I am and how I have been and if I have contacted people whom I didn't really know that well 10 years ago! Perhaps she thinks that I good friends with their kids, but really... no so much. I kinda knew them, but we weren't really close then, and I think I am facebook friends with one of them, but I'm not sure.

-I have to interject, and dude, really, if you are going to look at pictures of scantily clad females in the library, at least do us all a favor and sit in the back row, NOT in the front where you are showing it to everyone sitting behind you. It gets kinda awkward.

So back to that. It is weird to see her, and have her ask about my family, and I can't return the favor, because I don't remember who her kids are, or what their names are, or anything like that. and I can't use the "Hey, I am really sorry, but I have forgotten your name" excuse, because I have already used it!

But HA HA! I have the patented "I-don't-remember-your-name-but-can-still-talk-to-you" method that I developed in college, and still use to this day! What is it? Well, I can't tell you that, but lets just say that I have found a way to address people know that I am talking to them without having to use their name to attract their attention, and therefore nobody that I talk to knows if I have their name memorized or not! This came in handy in college, as I went to a large university, and I regularly saw people who remembered me, but I didn't remember them! So I used this method with her, and viola! She went away, perhaps a little offended that I didn't ask as to her family and children, but fully believing that I fully remember her and know who it was who asked me to tell my parents that she said hi and Merry Christmas!
Ahhh small towns...

Monday, December 20, 2010


I don't know how many times I have a post to write that has come about while just sitting in the library. In this library, to print things you  click print, and then you have to get up and put money in the ... whatever the word is that is opposite of dispenser ... and click print. While doing this you are no longer at your computer. Well, when I arrived today, a gentleman had taken the seat of a lady who had been printing something. She protested, and the computer lab assisstant went over to help rectify the situation. The gentleman was a little elderly, and started protesting, how "where he comes from when a computer is free no one is sitting there" while she was trying to quietly get her computer back. She did, and he left in a huff, saying loudly that he was "done with you people."

..... umm, I really don't know what to say to that. It seems like a situation that really just shouldn't be a situation. I mean, really? So you were in her seat, is it really that difficult to get up and leave? To admit that perhaps, just perhaps, one of the things you thought to be certain about this library is, in fact, not? Why is it so hard to admit fault and to know that we are, in fact, -GULP- capable of mistakes?
Oof, people sometimes...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Have you been keeping up with the Wikileaks saga? What are your thoughts about it? I don't know if I am decided yet on if he should be doing that or not. Yes it is important for a government to be held accountable, but there is a certain amount of behind the scenes legwork and discussion that we as a public really do not need to know.

But on the other hand perhaps more transparency would help? But then, if each government was fully transparent, it would be quite easy to get dates and locations of convoys and troop movements, and then it would be pie for someone with ill intent to cause considerable damage. So I guess I think that the leaks shouldn't happen, because the less information potential terrorists have regarding our troop movements the better it is. As to our politicians, what are you going to tell me, that they are corrupt? Yeah.... that one I have figured out on my own...

Monday, December 6, 2010


It's interesting, being a fly on the wall for the founders day celebration at the community college I work at. Seeing people congregate in their little knots f friendship and comfort, professionalism and boredom. The littl girl in her christmas outfit
moving around with her mom, who just happens to be the president of the college. Being greeted by said president and her husband, and then back to my flyishness.

Making small talk with the people around me. Noting the joviality of the room in the canned Christmas music and the lightly fluttering conversations around me.
I like being a fly.