Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cycle Pan America

Well, it's coming. I have agreed to join the team for Cycle Pan America. I am going to be heading down to Panama to meet up with Adam, Al, and Lois, and from there head North through Panama into Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, San Salvador, and Guatemala, and then up through Mexico, through the Continental US, Canada, into Alaska where we will end in Prudhoe bay. Whew! I am really excited, but pretty nervous at the same time, since it will entail leaving my job, my girlfriend, and the place that I have spent 22 years of my life.

I am PUMPED!!! It is going to be AWESOME!!!
Get excited!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


So I recently started looking at and for motorcycles, and wow! There are lots of them out there, and all are pretty different. 600, 650, 750, 100, 1300 cc's, not to mention sport, sport cruiser, standard, and cruiser. I want one, but I am slowly narrowing down the search. At first I wanted a cruiser or standard, "no crotch rocket for me!" But the more I look, but more I realize that I kinda like they way they feel, and cruisers feel almost as if you are on a recliner, and while that is nice, I don't like that so much. So I tried out the Yamaha FZ6R, which is a sport cruiser, and... well I really liked how it felt. So then today I checked out some Honda's as the last local motorcycle shop. Two 750 shadows, the Aero and the standard, and I gotta say, I preferred the standard. something about it just felt much better then the aero. I then was texting a friend of mine who has the aero, and he mentioned a friend of mine who has the Suzuki GSXR 750 for sale. THAT is a nice bike, but she said that it scared her, how fast it was. Which kinda makes me take aback a bit, since I am looking for a first bike, so hmm.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Alright, well, I need to get on this and start actually posting and writing posts. I don't know how often I will be posting, but I need to get in the habit of posting, even if it is just random bits here and there. I am now a Tow Truck Driver, which mixes things up rather nicely. I can tell you what cars to avoid, and what cars I don't really see much of, and which ones are surprising. Nissan Versa? Don't waste you time, they are cheap. Same with the Chevy Aveo. GMC pickups? Solid. Ford small cars? Good.

I also find it rather funny that most of the cars that I pick up didn't need to be if the person just performed regular scheduled maintenance. Sometimes yes, a car is a lemon and will never run correctly, but if a person just keeps up with regular vehicle check-ups, it works great.
Go Heels!

Monday, March 7, 2011


Don't you love it when you are walking to the Public Library, and you happen to overhear a group of teenagers talking about what happens to them when they smoke illicit substances? It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!


But in other news, I am learning how to work on bicycles! It is pretty cool learning the difference between cassette and chainrings, and finding out how to break chains and set calipers! Pretty handy stuff to know!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

So I want to type

I really want to write about something, but I have nothing really to post about. I don't know why, perhaps it is that I just spend two hours doing decently physical work at work, and just ate lunch (franks n' beans with cornbread) and that is starting to get pumped into my system and I want to write! So I will, but I am not sure about what.

A friend of mine just posted in her blog about hope re: The Shawshank Redemption. It is a really good post, and you can find it here.

Can you believe that it is 2011? I remember hearing about y2k and thinking that it was 4 years away! Why worry about it now?

Well, time to get back to work. Bye for now!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I am broke

Money. People say that it isn't an issue, or it should never be the issue. Have those people ever been broke? Have they every worked paycheck to paycheck, knowing that if they don't get paid they will go hungry? If I don't get a paycheck for march, thats what will happen! I will have to move back into my parents house because I will no longer be able to afford even the rediculously low rent that some friends are allowing me to pay for my current locale.
It sucks.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Holy smokes! If you haven't heard Egypt is in uproar! The army was called out! Will it work?

And about 10 minutes ago, a middle aged man crossed the street at the intersection I am sitting at, singing "Total eclipse of the heart" lustily along with his mp3 player. I kid you not. And this gentleman was wearing a business outfit! Like, holy smokes! So I thought that could take some mentioning.

But seriously, look into Egypt, the mess is about to hit the fan!